
How To Zoom On Kindle Paperwhite

At that place are two ways to zoom in on Kindle Paperwhite or Oasis devices:

  • Finger gesture using the touch screen display
  • Adjust the Font Size in the menu options

one. Finger Gesture on Impact Screen

The quickest way is to use finger gesture on the touch screen.

Zoom In on Kindle

  1. Take your pollex and index finger and make the OK sign as if you lot have pinched your finger and pollex together.
  2. Identify them on the brandish and gradually separate them apart.
  3. The font size on the brandish should go larger.
  4. Go along to do this until you are happy with the text size.
  5. Lift your fingers from the display.

Gradually dissever your thumb and index finger as the refresh rate on an ereader display is slower than on mobile so information technology takes longer for the text size to reply.

While doing this you may observe a Font Size window pop-up towards the superlative of the screen. This will provide you feedback and guide y'all equally to how apace the font size is irresolute and by how much from the original size.

Zoom Out on Kindle

Zooming out using finger gesture is only the reverse.

Take the starting position of your pollex and index finger furthest apart and and so bring them together touching. This will gradually make the text on the screen smaller.

As previously the Font Size bill of fare will pop-up at the top of the brandish to act as a guide.

In one case you are satisfied with the font size, merely remove your fingers from the touch screen to keep the current text size.

2. Adjust Font Size via Bill of fare Option

If you notice zoom via the touch screen difficult to utilise, you can always adjust the text font size which has the same upshot.

How to Accommodate the screen Font Size

 1. Tap at the tiptop of the folio to open the book drop-down carte du jour.

2. Tap on the 'Aa" icon.

3. Select the Font tab.

iv. Arrange the font using the Size slider.

Tap on the + or – to increase/decrease the size of the words on the screen to a size you are comfortable with.

Yous may have as well noticed that you can change the bold (thickness) of the text, this is peculiarly useful for users that struggle to read fine print. Increasing the bold and font size should make the text clearer for the user.

Interestingly, there is an option to change the font type from the default (Bookerly) to any on the Font Family listing which currently stands at nine different types. And then, if y'all fancy a change to "spice things up" why not give information technology a go.

Even so Struggling to read?

You lot may desire to try Dark Mode which inverts the monochrome on the display. The background turns black and the text flips to white. Personally, I find this much softer to read at dark as at that place is less calorie-free for my eyes to focus on.

If yous're interested, I wrote a piece on how to change to Dark Mode which gives you a quick setup guide that should take less than a minute.

Does Zoom work on the Kindle Haven and Basic?

The touch zoom characteristic works on all Kindle ereader and tablet devices. You can zoom in and out using the pinch and pull finger gesture or arrange the font size every bit we discussed above.

Zoom in on pictures on Kindle Paperwhite

For some reason trying to zoom into a picture is not every bit easy.

However, it is straight forward in one case yous know what you are doing.

1. On a page with an image tap and hold on the image until two white boarders announced on either side of the epitome.

2. You lot should now meet a Magnifier Icon with a + sign in the center.

three. Tap on the magnifier icon.

4. The magnifier should disappear and in the top right yous should see a Cantankerous Icon.

v. Using your fingers on the touch screen you should be able to zoom in and out of the image.

six. When finished, tap on the Cross Icon to revert to page turning.

How to stop Zooming on Kindle

To avoid zooming, simply elevator your fingers away from the touch on screen. Bear in heed that if you tap on the display y'all will go along to progress through the book.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to disable the touchscreen altogether on the Kindle Paperwhite, otherwise you lot would lose the interaction with the menus. However, this is achievable on the Kindle Oasis equally information technology has forward/back buttons, for more details check out our quick guide to disabling bear upon screen on the Kindle Oasis.

How to Zoom on Comics on Kindle Paperwhite

Comic ebooks are treated in a similar way equally PDF's, in that, the whole folio is rendered, making it as easy to zoom in equally you would practice with regular text on an ebook.

To zoom into a comic volume just follow the same instructions as you did with zooming into text on an ebook.

Using Zoom on a PDF

When interacting with a PDF, the Kindle device will return the whole page as one, making it easier to navigate via the impact screen.

In effect you can zoom into text and images just as you lot would do with an ebook.

Unlike an epitome when yous zoom into a PDF the text remains sharp and not pixelated, so zooming in will not impact your ability to read the text conspicuously. Still, images within PDF'due south will lose their resolution the further you zoom into a flick.

Can yous Zoom on a Kindle Paperwhite?

You can zoom into any ebook or document on the Kindle Paperwhite, or any Kindle ereaders to be exact. Use the impact screen just as you would to turn a page, merely this time pinch you fingers together to zoom into the text on the folio.

Due to the low ability, low processing capabilities of Kindle, in that location tends to be a slight latency between your finger gesture and the brandish updating.

How practice I conform the zoom on Kindle?

This tin can be achieved using finger gestures using the touch screen. Pinch or pulling the finger apart will zoom in and out of the page depending on how much y'all employ. This tin can exist repeated several times to zoom further into an paradigm.

Can you lot Zoom in on Ereaders?

Virtually ereaders come with a bear on screen, which allows you to zoom in and out using finger gestures. In most cases, pinching your fingers together or double tap the screen will permit you to zoom in on the text. Repeating this process will allow you zoom in farther. Reversing the gesture i.e. pushing your fingers apart will zoom out.


With a bit of exercise using zoom on Kindle ereaders is straight forward.

Kindle ereaders do have some latency, so it's of import to be patient when attempting this as there will be a delay between the movement of your fingers and changes on the display. If y'all find this catchy, it may be best to change the font size using the card.


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