
How Color W Prismacolor Pencils Xession One

One of the biggest challenges for most of united states is getting rid of paper holes in our color layers. No thing what the subject field, we're always looking for better ways to get polish color with colored pencils.

That'southward especially important if your discipline includes a heaven. Unless they're filled with clouds, virtually skies move seamlessly from one shade of blue to another, and from light to dark. Yous merely can't afford to have edges between those shades. Nor are paper holes acceptable.

"But aren't solvents or complex techniques necessary for absolutely smooth color?" you lot enquire.

No. Let me share two ways I apply to get shine color, and you already have the tools!

The first sample is on 140lb hot press watercolor paper, which is fairly smoothen.

The second sample is on Canson Mi-Teintes, which is non and so shine. These two methods tin be used on about papers suitable for colored pencil.

Two Means to Get Smooth Colour with Colored Pencils

Get smooth color by careful layering.

The best mode to get smoothen color with colored pencils is by careful layering. It doesn't matter what you're drawing, or what pencils or newspaper you employ. Draw each layer and then carefully that the color needs little or no blending.

For the smoothest color, use light force per unit area through several layers. Each layer y'all add fills in the tooth of the paper more, creating steadily smoother color.

Yous tin can utilise heavy pressure to become shine color. The darkest stripe in the sample beneath was drawn with very heavy pressure level. The other values are multiple layers of repeating strokes applied with light pressure.

Two Ways to Get Smooth Color with Colored Pencils - Layering

Layer multiple colors to create new colors or subtle variations, as well every bit create shine color.

Keep your pencils sharp, so they achieve down into the tooth of the paper. Small strokes are also best for layering polish color. Many artists also recommend circular strokes because they don't leave edges. If you're new to colored pencil and learning how to depict, then it is better to learn circular stroking.

But if y'all're an established artist, you may already have developed other strokes that produce the desired results. Go on to use those strokes.

Get smoothen color past blending with paper towel.

The 2d way to get smooth color with colored pencils is to alloy it with newspaper towel. This method works peculiarly well on Canson Mi-Teintes and other toothier papers.

Let me evidence you lot how to alloy with paper towel.

Fold a slice of paper towel into quarters or smaller, depending on your manus size and the size of the area you desire to blend. The paper should be minor enough to hold firmly, just large enough to blend effectively. I usually fold a sheet of paper towel three times.

Rub the paper towel against the drawing. Information technology's side by side to impossible to crusade impairment (other than past blending over the edges,) so don't be agape to use heavy pressure.

Two Ways to Get Smooth Color with Colored Pencils- Paper Towel Step 1

Some color will come off on the newspaper towel. That's okay. You can continue to blend with this paper, merely be aware that if y'all brainstorm blending an area of a different color, the beginning colour will come off on the new color, especially if the second colour is lighter than the first color.

The illustration below shows blending on the left side, just not on the right. It doesn't seem like information technology would practise very much, but on Canson Mi-Teintes, it'south very productive.

I have blended with paper towel on only near every type of newspaper I employ regularly. That includes Stonehenge, Canson Mi-Teintes, and 140lb hot press watercolor paper.

If getting smooth color with colored pencils is one i of your big challenges, give these two methods a try.

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