The CDC says double-masking significantly reduces exposure to COVID-xix. Here are the best face up masks to do information technology properly.

Uniqlo AIRism Face Mask 3 Pack in gray

Amir Ismael/INSIDER

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  • Along with social distancing, i of the best protections against COVID-19 is to wear a well-plumbing equipment mask.
  • If you only have a single-layer or loose-fitting mask, it may exist smart to clothing two at once.
  • To double up, vesture one cloth mask over another, or wear a fabric mask over a surgical mask.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Aimee Desrosiers, PA-C, MS, MPH, a practicing infectious diseases physician assistant in Washington, DC.

The CDC strongly recommends (and has even mandated) widespread mask-wearing in public, proverb that it's essential to slowing the spread of COVID-nineteen. But as more is learned about the pandemic and the transmission of the virus, wellness officials take begun advocating for not only wearing one mask only for wearing two.

The almost notable advice for double-masking comes from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the nation's top infectious-disease specialist, who said information technology'due south common sense to think two masks are better than one. A new study from the CDC reported that layering a tight-fitting mask over a surgical one can ameliorate protection by about 50%. If you lot watched the 2021 presidential inauguration, you lot probable saw plenty of examples of double masking, including poet Amanda Gorman's fashion-forrard combo.

Why double-masking may be a smart decision

Experts have long advised that when it comes to masks, more than layers is amend — provided you can however breathe well. Simply something of import changed at the start of 2021.

"You're hearing more about double-masking in the media and from health professionals considering new [COVID-19] variants are more hands transmissible, and with the level of infection nosotros take at this time, any kind of additional protection may exist helpful," Edgar Sanchez, MD, an infectious disease physician at Orlando Health, told Insider.

That said, many public health experts themselves aren't wearing ii masks, equally reported by Hilary Brueck for Insider. While experts say double masking could theoretically be helpful on the whole, there are a couple of things that are much more of import than people doubling-up.

"Getting more people to wear just i mask is more important than getting i person to habiliment two masks," Dr. Sanchez said. This may exist part of the reason why the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention (CDC) hasn't officially changed its guidelines to recommend double masking.

Secondly, a quality mask that is properly-fitted and multilayered is amend than wearing two sick-fitting masks. Your mask should fit securely over your nose, and sit snugly against your cheeks and mentum without whatever gaps. If a mask causes your glasses or sunglasses to fog upward, that's actually a sign it doesn't fit properly and allows respiratory aerosol to escape out the peak, Dr. Abe Malkin, the founder and medical director of Concierge Physician LA, told Insider.

Masks with adjustable nose pieces tin can sometimes help create a better fit, too, and those with two (or preferably 3) layers with tightly woven fabric are best at filtering out virus particles. According to the CDC, this ways that when held upward to the lite, these masks do non let light filter through.

Still, wearing 2 masks can add protection, and in that location are some situations where public wellness experts and infectious disease physicians recommend it.

To assist, I consulted with a number of doctors on how to double mask and the best base layer and top layer masks to do it. I've also included some insight into the best practices for double masking and how to properly put them on.

Here's how to double mask and the confront masks you demand to do information technology:

The best base of operations layer masks

N95 Mask Co. KN95 Confront Mask (twenty-pack)

Amir Ismael/Insider

The CDC doesn't want average people to wear N95 respirators. Only N95 Mask Co. has a genius product model that allows consumers to purchase N95s while also keeping them in stock for wellness care workers. They besides offer KN95s, which are the Chinese equivalent of the N95, and are a lilliputian more comfortable because they don't have a head and neck strap. KN95s are also less expensive than N95s, making them a highly-protective choice for anyone on a upkeep.

Athleta Everyday Non-Medical Masks (v-Pack)

Mara Leighton/Business Insider

Though using a disposable mask as your base is ideal, Dr. Fauci himself sometimes pairs 2 material masks together. These not-medical masks from Athleta rank amidst Insider staffers' all-time face mask picks because they're super breathable, which is a crucial cistron when choosing masks to double upward with. What's more, they've got three layers of very soft material, and so they're less likely to irritate pare when secured with another mask on meridian if you feel like you lot want that extra layer of security.

HaloLife Nanofilter Mask

Rachael Schultz/INSIDER

Another reusable base layer option, Insider ranked this pick as the all-time overall mask for running and working out thanks to its tight facial seal and 3D pocket for better breathability. Because it blocks over 98% of particles, this mask offers splendid protection on its own. But it besides has a slim enough profile to fit nether a fabric mask for actress security.

A replaceable latex nose pad means a comfortable, sealed fit that will prevent glasses from fogging, and information technology as well comes with a replaceable nanofilter that'south good for upwardly to 200 hours.

The best top layer masks

Uniqlo AIRism Face Mask 3-Pack

Amir Ismael/INSIDER

This cloth mask from Uniqlo got meridian marks from Insider reporter Amir Ismael who has tested dozens of masks for our reviews. The mask, which is hyper-popular in Japan, comes in several sizes so you lot tin cull the size that best fits your face up. That makes this option platonic for wearing over surgical masks, which tend to be looser-fitting.

Graf Lantz Zenbu Organic Cotton Face Mask

Emerge Kaplan/INSIDER

When it comes to cloth masks, the tighter the weave, the better for trapping viruses, said Dr. Bob Bollinger, Doctor, Raj & Kamla Gupta Professor of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University and founding member of telehealth platform emocha Health.

That'due south one of the reasons multiple Insider editors love the Zenbu mask from Graf Lanz. The construction is such that there'south plenty of breathing room, and then in other words, enough of infinite to wearable your base of operations layer mask without feeling stifled. The mask too has a flexible olfactory organ bridge strip and adaptable ear bands to keep it (and your base mask) firmly in place.

ASWEMOVE Stealthshield

Rachael Schultz/INSIDER

If you're concerned near the bulk of wearing two masks, this washable featherlight choice (three.2 grams) may be a good choice for you. Designed for maximum comfort, it was fabricated with aeration engineering science so y'all tin breathe and talk hands through information technology. ASWEMOVE is an activewear company, and like many of their other products, this mask is sweatproof and quick-dry, which is a plus if you're concerned most moisture.

Vida Protective Mask (4 Pack)

Mara Leighton/Business Insider

Another Insider editor favorite, this mask is loved for its affordability, efficacy (it has 2 layers of cotton fabric), adjustability, and filter options. The mask can be purchased alone, in a pair, or in a four- or 8-pack, and comes with filters. That actress filtering option ways this mask could also exist used every bit a base layer if you don't have any disposable masks handy.

ThipandCo Washable Confront Mask


If you're going to wear your tiptop layer mask multiple times, it'southward of import that it'due south easily washable. ThipandCo'due south masks are some of the highest-rated cloth face masks on Etsy, and reviewers say they're uncomplicated to care for and high-quality. They also come in 2 sizes and dozens of colors and patterns, and so they'll lucifer your style and fit your face up.

When to article of clothing two masks

When you tin't social distance.

Dr. Sanchez primarily recommends double masking when it'southward incommunicable to stay far away from others who are outside your household. Examples of places where double masking may be benign include public transportation, in crowded grocery stores, and on airplanes.

It may as well exist a proficient idea for essential workers who must interact with other people, according to John Whyte, MD, MPH, chief medical officer at WebMD.

Yous but have single-layer textile masks, or y'all're not sure how many layers your mask has.

You want your fabric mask to accept a minimum of two layers, per CDC guidelines. (The World Health Arrangement even recommends three layers.) So, if all yous have is single-layer fabric masks, it'south a adept idea to double up or attempt to discover a surgical mask to wearable underneath.

Similarly, if you're unsure how many layers a mask has, wearing ii ensures you lot have at least ii layers (and it's never bad to have three). This might be the example if you lot have to grab disposable masks from a dispenser at a store, for case, or when mask packaging doesn't clearly state the number of layers.

You're wearing a high-filtration mask that hasn't been fit-tested.

Properly-fitted N95 and KN95 masks provide a very loftier level of protection on their own. Only outside a hospital setting where N95 masks are fit-tested on each individual person, the average user might not be wearing theirs properly, Dr. Sanchez said. In this case, wearing a cloth mask on height — provided you tin still breathe easily — can assistance ensure a secure fit.

This strategy may likewise work well if you're wearing any other blazon of mask that doesn't fit securely over the nose or that has gaps at your cheek or mentum.

As Bob Bollinger, Doctor, Raj & Kamla Gupta Professor of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University and founding member of telehealth platform emocha Health, told Insider, "Surgical or medical masks are better than other masks, considering they typically already have ii to 3 layers of tightly-woven material … still, these masks frequently don't fit very tightly effectually the nose and mouth. This is why it makes sense for some people to double mask with a skilful quality 2- to 3-layer mask underneath a second material mask [on top] that helps create a tighter seal around the olfactory organ and rima oris."

As well, N95, KN95, and surgical masks don't practice well with wet, Dr. Sanchez added. "If yous're out in the rain or fifty-fifty just on a cold solar day, moisture can build upwards, and the effectiveness of the filtering gets compromised," he said.

It's recommended yous put a cloth mask on height, specially one that'due south wet-resistant, to prevent the mask from getting wet.

You desire to preserve a high-filtration mask for futurity use.

Lastly, if y'all are running low on surgical, KN95, or N95 masks, or are trying to conserve them for upkeep or supply reasons, wearing a cloth mask on superlative may prolong their life and prevent them from getting dirty.

Reusing disposable masks is not ideal, Dr. Sanchez emphasized, simply could be a solution for people in this situation every bit long every bit yous wash the material mask you're using as a top layer between uses.

How to double mask properly

No matter which combination of masks you choose, the most important affair is that y'all feel comfortable and can breathe. "If you lot're constantly having to pull down your masks to breathe, information technology defeats the purpose you have them for in the first identify," Dr. Sanchez said.

Typically, yous'll desire to utilise a disposable mask as your base layer, such as an N95, KN95, or surgical mask. So utilise a material mask on summit. If you don't want to use a disposable mask (or don't have one), you could use ii cloth masks.

The but other guideline is to put your masks on in the correct order: "Y'all put the mask with the all-time protection on first," Dr. Whyte said. "And then place the less-protective one on top of that."

Skillful sources

Dr. Edgar Sanchez, Md, an infectious disease physician at Orlando Health.

Dr. Abe Malkin, the founder and medical director of Concierge Medico LA.

Dr. John Whyte, Md, MPH, chief medical officer at WebMD.

Dr. Bob Bollinger, Medico, Raj & Kamla Gupta Professor of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University and founding member of telehealth platform emocha Health.

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